
成人短时记忆发展的实验研究 被引量:1

Adult Age Differences in STM: An Experimental Study
摘要 以数字、图形和颜色为实验材料,测量了青年和老年被试在记忆广度和斯腾伯格任务中的成绩。结果表明随着年龄的增大,三种材料的记忆广度都有显著的下降,记忆的搜索速度也减慢;发现在老年期不同材料的记忆广度与搜索速度也存在反比例关系。作者认为这一结果对短时记忆容量发展研究具有重要意义并进行了进一步的讨论。 The memory span and searching rate of both young and older group were measured. The older participants showed significant decrease in memory span tasks with three kind of materials, including digits, colors, and familiar geometrical figures. Also reported were similar performance patterns between the younger and the older and age-related differences in memory searching rate in Sternberg tasks with the same stimuli. A reciprocal relationship between memory span and scanning rate for different types of stimulus found by Cavanagh in 1972 was proved by our experiment both on younger and older participants. Further discussion about these results was also made.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期523-526,共4页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 华东师范大学211项目"认知过程和认知发展"资助
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