Since 1980s, western countries has began to make overall reforms in their social security policies in order to use a more positive social security policy to take place the negative provision of welfare. The essence of this active policy reform from providing welfare to offering work is to replace social security and social welfare by a labor policy in order to send the unemployed to labor market, to solve the issue of unemployment which is increasingly inflated and to reduce the dependence of the unemployed on welfares. At the same time, under the background of globalization, China is also facing with broad issues of unemployment and of constructing system of social security. There are other hills whose stones are good for working jade. Many pieces of enlightenment and experience of reforms in western countries' social security policies can be used for reference to construct system of social security in China by using a new mind
Journal of China University of Labor Relations
reform in social security policies
working welfares
issue of unemployment