
腹腔镜和开放去顶减压术治疗多囊肾的临床效果比较 被引量:22

Comparison of laparoscopic and open cyst decortication for autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
摘要 目的:探讨腹腔镜去顶减压术治疗常染色体显性遗传性多囊肾(ADPKD)的临床价值。方法:开放手术68例,分期行双肾去顶减压术;腹腔镜手术54例,一期行双肾去顶减压术。观察两组患者在囊肿处理的数量以及手术效果方面的差异。结果:开放手术组单侧肾脏囊肿处理数量为(268±93)个,术后平均住院7.9d;腹腔镜手术组单侧肾脏囊肿处理数量(197±76)个,术后平均住院5.1d。开放手术组1例发生切口感染,腹腔镜手术组1例发生尿外渗。术后两组患者疼痛明显改善,部分患者的高血压缓解,肾功能无明显变化。随访3年患者疼痛与高血压有复发。组间比较显示,两组患者的治疗效果差异无显著性(P>0.05)。结论:腹腔镜去顶减压术手术创伤小并取得了与开放手术相同的治疗效果。 Objective:To explore the validity of laparoscopic cyst decortication for autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease(ADPKD).Methods:A 3year followup study was made for 68 patients underwent open decortication and 54 patients underwent laparoscopic decortication.The open surgery had a staged bilateral procedure and laparoscopic surgery had a simultaneous bilateral procedure.An accurate record of the number of cysts unroofed was maintained.The effects of cyst decortication on pain,hypertention and renal function were recorded.Results:The average number of cysts treated perkidney was 197 in laparoscopic surgery group,that was lower than 268 in open surgery group.In laparoscopic surgery group the pain relief rate was 91.1% after operation,21 of 30 hypertension patients had improvement,the GRF was not much changed after surgery.All these had not significant difference to open surgery group(P>0.05).There were one case of urine leak in laparoscopic group and one infected wound in open surgery group.The mean hospitalization after surgery was 5.1 days in laparoscopic group and 7.9 days in open surgery group.Conclusions:Laparoscopic cyst decortication is an good alternative for ADPKD patients with same value and less morbidity.
出处 《腹腔镜外科杂志》 2005年第3期134-136,共3页 Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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