全纳学校的成功在很大程度上取决于辅助教师的工作。辅助教师在全纳课堂中的作用主要是辅助任课教师的教学 ,满足有特殊需求学生的各种需求 ,促使有特殊需求的学生更好地融入普通学校中。辅助教师的任务十分艰巨 ,不仅在准备上课、课堂教学、辅助医疗、健康教育、班级管理等方面给学生提供帮助 ,而且在学生活动、个人卫生、人际交流等方面都要提供辅导和帮助。辅助教师和任课教师在全纳课堂中既相互合作又责任明确。但在辅助教师工作方面也还有许多问题值得探究。
The effective inclusive school depends on the learning support assistant (LSA) in a greater extent. The role of LSA in inclusive school is to help classroom teacher and satisfy the special demands of students with the aim of integrating special needs students to mainstreaming school. So the task of LSA is not simple. LSA not only have to prepare lessons, help students learning and treatment, but also have to give some helps on after class activities, student health and communication. The LSA and classroom teacher have their duties differences, but they need more cooperation.
Chinese Journal of Special Education