“左优红”是从[(山-欧)F1×山葡萄]F2代中选育出的新品种。果穗平均重144.8g、果粒重1.36g、可溶性固形物18.5% ̄24.4%、总酸1.191g ̄14.47g/L,出汁率66.4 ̄70.2%。可用于酿造干红葡萄酒,酒质好。抗病性强、早熟、生育期119 ̄128d。结果枝率86.7%,结果系数1.92个。6年生树平均每公顷产量15.16t ̄19.64t,3 ̄6年生树每公顷产量12.0 ̄14.13t。抗寒性强、产量和抗病力高。
The new grape variet‘yZuoyouhong’was selected from F2 generation of [(Visis Amurensis Rupr.)×(V. vinifera.L.) ]×(V.Amurensis Rupr. )]. The average cluster weight was 144.8g. The average berry weight was 1.36g. The dissolved solids was 18.5% ̄24.4%. The total acid was 1.191 ̄14.47g/L, the rate of juice was 66.4% ̄70.2%. It had good quality in brewing dry-red grape wine. It had a high disease-resistance and early maturing, the developing period was 119 ̄128days. The fruit branch rate was 86.7% and the rate fruiting was 1.92. The plants of the average yielding of 6 years’ plants was 15.12 ̄19.64 tons per hectare and the average yielding of 3 ̄6 years’ plants was 12.0 ̄14.13 tons per hectare.‘ Zuoyouhong’vine was high hardy, high yield and high disease-resistance.
Sino-Overseas Grapevine & Wine