戴原礼整理的《丹溪医案》,失窃于王宾,王授盛启东、韩叔等,后不知所终。近发现《丹溪医按》常熟杨鹤峰藏清同治抄本1卷,有明洪武丁巳王行序、成化甲辰张习跋、同治丙寅杨鹤峰识语,载案345则,转载于《名医类案》、《续名医类案》、《古今医案按》等14 7则。根据原书所用义乌方言和地名,内容与《名医类案》诸书相一致,及对许谦称呼等,考证其可靠性。该书提供了朱丹溪医疗实践的第一手资料,具有重要的学术价值。
Dan xi yi an (Comments on Danxi's Medical Case Records) complied by Dai Yuanli, was stolen by Wang Bin who passed it to Sheng Qidong and Han Shuyi, with its whereabout then unclear. The one-volume manuscript Dan xi yi an of Tongzhi reign of the Qing dynasty collected by Yang Hefeng, a native of Changshu city, was recently discovered, with a preface written by Wang Xing in the Dingsi of the Hongwu reign (1377) of the Ming Dynasty, a postscript written by Zhang Xi in the Jiachen of the Chenghua reign (1484) of the Ming Dynasty, and an interpretation by Yang Hefeng in the Bingyin of the Tongzhi reign (1866) of the Ming Dynasty. There were 345 case records in this book, among them, 147 were quoted in the book Ming yi lei an (Classified Case Records of Celebrated Physicians), Xu ming yi lei an (Supplement to the Classified Case Records of Celebrated Physicians), Gu jin yi an an (Comments on Ancient and Modern Medical Case Records). Based on facts that the language of Yiwu dialect, the names of the places used in the manuscript, which were all consistent with Ming yi lei an, and together with the name of Xu Qian, the authenticity of this book is studied. It offers the first hand materials about Danxi's medical practice, with important academic value.
Chinese Journal of Medical History
Dan xi yi an (Comments on Danxi's Medical Cases)
Medical organization
Textual research