
农村金融供求失衡与政策调整——广东东莞、惠州、梅州调查 被引量:28

Financial Demand-Supply Imbalance and Policy Changes in Rural Areas: A Surveyin Rural Guangdong
摘要 对广东省东莞、惠州、梅州三地的农村金融供求状况的调查显示,经济发展水平不同,“三农”问题的表现形式就不同,金融需求也不同。针对日益增长的三类不同的金融需求,两类金融供给的缺口明显加大:正式的金融安排越来越难以满足金融需求,非正式金融安排的发展又受到遏制,由此产生了金融供给和需求在总量和结构上的错位。根据农村金融需求安排农村金融供给,因地制宜地调整农村信用社的地位,发挥民间组织的作用,将更切合中国农村金融发展的实际。 The case studies made in three cities of Guangdong reveals that, financial demand and supply in rural area varies in different areas as economic development stages differ. The financial demand caused mainly by necessity to build new houses in the relatively-wealthy area, while in the relatively-poor area, mainly for daily consumption. Financial resources are mainly used in agricultural production between these two groups. It is difficult for the formal financial institutions to satisfy their different financial demand. The informal financial arrangement is a beneficial complement to rural financial market. It is necessary to differentiate the financial demand in different area according to the reality in rural China
作者 周立
出处 《农业经济问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第7期15-20,共6页 Issues in Agricultural Economy
基金 国家自然科学基金(70403019) 中国人民大学"十五211课题"(2003)系列调研成果之一
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