
多媒体水稻生产智能系统的应用 被引量:2

Application of Intelligent System for Multi-Media Rice Production
摘要 为实现科学种田智能化,研制了多媒体水稻生产智能系统。该研究以水稻栽培中的水、肥、土、病、虫、草害等田间管理为突破口,运用计算机技术实现专家系统的人机界面、知识获取机制、推理机制、解释机制等,通过平台开发,对数据、信息、资料的有效共享,提高了分析识别各种状态及病虫鼠害发生、发展情况的能力,有效地解决了水稻栽培中遇到的各种问题。在该系统应用地区,水稻产量增幅10.2%,经济效益增加4448.8万元。与水稻栽培模拟优化决策系统相比,增加了计算机界面交互功能,简化了应用程序,有利于该项技术成果的转化与推广,在农作物栽培管理及“三农”服务领域具有重要的指导意义和广阔的应用前景。 The three aspects about agricultural are explained: relieving the lack of agricultural experts; exploring the multi-media padding rice intelligence system and the application and expansion of the system during the stage of padding rice cultivation. This research begins with the studies on such factors as water, manure, soil, epidemic, worms, grass involved in paddy rice cultivation.Though the technology of the computer,the research realizes the specialist system is interface; mechanizing the acquisition of knowledge, interference, explanation. By platform, data, information as well as files can be universally shared by all. The power that people analyze various condition in which unpredictable natural climate occur even worsen is strengthened. We can solve all difficulties.Compared with the paddy rice cultivation simulative modification system,the multi-media has advantage of the function of computer interface, which simplifies the application procedures accelerating the application and explanation of the technology from laboratory to practice. It is of great guidance importance and bright application prospectas in the field of crop cultivation.
出处 《吉林大学学报(信息科学版)》 CAS 2005年第4期436-440,共5页 Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Edition)
基金 国家863计划基金资助项目(2003AA118060)
关键词 水稻栽培 智能技术 专家系统 应用推广 <Keyword>paddy rice cultivation intelligence technique expert system application and expansion
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