
Dean氟牙症指标与氟牙症牙面指数的比较 被引量:5

Comparison of Dean's index and tooth surface index of fluorosis
摘要 目的:比较氟牙症患者Dean氟牙症指标(Deanindex,DI)与氟牙症牙面指数(toothsurfaceindexoffluorosis,TSIF)的特点及适用范围。方法:随机抽取河北省邢台高氟区12、15岁及35~44岁居民416名进行DI的调查,再从中随机抽取178名进行TSIF的调查。调查前进行两指标的理论及临床培训。利用SPSS10.0统计软件及Excel数据库进行统计分析。结果:DI与TSIF的理论加权Kappa值较高,0.86~0.96,临床校准结果TSIF较低,且随涉及牙面的增加,可靠度降低,从“很好”到“中度”可靠。以DI为准的氟牙症患病率较TSIF结果低,两者差异在35~44岁年龄组中最明显,相差40%左右,这主要由于“可疑”一级不参与患病率的计算,此年龄组的可疑一级比例最高,为40.3%。结论:DI适于大型流行病学调查,并应结合社区氟牙症指数(communityfluorosisindex,CFI)使用;而TSIF更适于美观评价等专项调查研究,尤其对于重症氟牙症更敏感。 Objective:To compare the characteristics of Dean's index(DI) and tooth surface index of fluorosis(TSIF). Methods:416 inhabitants of 12, 15 and 35~44 years old were sampled randomly to receive epidemiological survey assessed by DI in fluorosis endemic areas of Xingtai City, Hebei Province. Then TSIF was used to investigate the 178 samples selected randomly from the 416 subjects. Two examiners(S/C) were trained by an experienced specialist of epidemiology(W) before investigation. SPSS 10.0 software and Excel database were used to analyze the data.Results:Weighted Kappa of theoretic calibration of DI and TSIF was ranging from 0.86 to 0.96. The results of TSIF were lower than DI in clinical calibration test. With the increase of the number of tooth surfaces concerned, strength of agreement declined, ranging from “very good” to “moderate”. Prevalence of fluorosis according to DI was lower than that accoding to TSIF.In 35-44 years old people difference of fluorosis prevalence calculating between DI and TSIF was almost 40%. The most probably reason for this phenomenon was that a person with “questionable” fluorosis wouldn't be calculated as a fluorosis patient. The proportion of “questionable” in 35-44 age group was the highest (40.3%). Conclusion:DI is suitable for large-scale epidemiology survey, and should be combined with community fluorosis index (CFI), while TSIF is suitable for esthetic study, especially for severe fluorosis patients.
出处 《实用口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期519-522,共4页 Journal of Practical Stomatology
关键词 氟牙症 流行病学指标 Dean氏氟牙症指标 氟牙症牙面指数 Fluorosis Indices of epidemiology Dean's index Tooth surface index of fluorosis
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