
我国性传播疾病流行特征(1987~1992年)及防治对策 被引量:1

The Epidemiological Features (1987~1992)and Risk Factors of Sexually Transmitted Diseas in China
摘要 1987年以来我国STD(性传播疾病)发病率明显上升,1990年后渐趋平稳,1992年比1987年增长2.22倍,女性患者增长率大于男性,1992年男女患者之比为1.75:1,80%的病人是20~39岁,以工人和待业青年为多。流行病种是淋病、梅毒、尖锐湿疣和非淋菌性尿道炎。流行的危险因素:某些文化艺术的错误导向,影响人们性观念和性行的改变;漏诊和漏报极严重;危险人群的STD感染率高且隐匿;多途经传播和无特效疫苗等。我国的STD防洽工作虽已有一定成效,但潜在的危险不可低估。以健康教育和性病监测为主的综合措施是预防和控制STD的有效办法。 The incidence of sexually transmitted diseases(STD)in China has increased obviouslysince 1987 and the increasing rate tumed stable in 1990~1992.In l992,the incidenee ofSTD increased by 225 % con1pared with 1987.Female had a higher increasing rate thanMale. The ratio of STD patients between male/female was 1.75:1 in 1992.Up to 80% ofSTD patients are at the age of 20~39.The majority of them were young workers andunemployed youth.The main epidenmic STD was gonorrhea,syphilis,condylomaacunllnatum(warts)and non-go nococcal urethritis(NGU).The incidence of warts andNGU have incereased by 700% in the past 6 years.Up to 1993,1200 positive cases ofHIV were found by the serological test,and 74% of which were reported frozn YunnanProvince,The HIV infection rate of the interverous drug addicts was high up to 8 1.8%in Ruili City.The risk factors of STD transmission and proliferation are as follows:thechange of people's coneept of sexual behavior,the nlisleading of cuIture and art,thelack of better equiped institutes of p revention and care of sex diseases which lead tothe failure of inunediate diagnosis and report,the risk population such as prostitutes,whoremongers,drug addicts who had high infection rate and the ineffective STD havegiven rise to sp ecial difficuItise in prevention。Although China has taken some effectiveactions against STD,its po tentiality and perilo us facto rs shouldn't be under estimated.The most effective means of preventing and controlling STD Iies in heaIth educationand surveillanee.
作者 王声 唐大让
出处 《暨南大学学报(自然科学与医学版)》 CAS CSCD 1995年第4期26-31,共6页 Journal of Jinan University(Natural Science & Medicine Edition)
关键词 性传播疾病 艾滋病 流行病学 中国 防治 STD AIDS epidemiology
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