1. The contents 0f Nitrogec (N), Phosphorus (P) and p0lassium (K) in + 1 leaf were the highesl at seedling stage, and decreased slightly WIth growth afterward. Both contents 0f at vigorous elongating stage and P. K at the beginning of technical maturing state in +1 leaf rised sligtly, and reached. The second peak anddeclined rapidly afterward. The contents 0f N,P and K in +1 leaf were the lowest at ripening stage. 2. The contents of N,P and K in a leaf appeared to be declined with growth, those in the ten-der leaves (+ 1- +3)were higher as compared to those in the aged-leaves.3. The ability for transporation of N. P- K was powerfuI in sugarcane leaves. Most of the N.P. K uptaked at early Stage could be transported from the aged-leaves to the tender organizations with growth except that little part in aged-leaves wasa composed to its structure, and the aged -leaves only maintained very low level of N. P. K. The utilized coefficent of N. P. K in leaves was very high during the growing stage.
Sugarcane and Canesugar