
针刺结合火罐疗法对慢性腰肌劳损患者疼痛指数的影响 被引量:4

Effect of acupuncture combined with cupping on the pain index in patients with chronic lumbar muscle strain
摘要 目的:观察慢性腰肌劳损患者经针刺结合火罐疗法治疗后疼痛指数的变化及其干预效果,并与电脑中频结合超短波疗法进行比较。方法:选择中山大学附属第二医院南院康复医学科2003-03/10收治的慢性腰肌劳损患者67例,均知情同意。随机分为2组,治疗组34例,对照组33例。①治疗组选取腰部夹脊穴、膀胱经穴3~5穴,结合委中穴,用5.0cm30号不锈钢毫针刺入穴位1寸左右,以酸、胀、重得气为度。留针30min,其间运针一两次;出针后用玻璃火罐4~6个拔腰部阿是穴,留罐20min。针刺、拔罐疗法1次/d,共治疗20d。②对照组采用电脑中频结合超短波对腰部进行治疗,1次/d,20min/次,共治疗20d。在治疗前后分别行疼痛指数(0~10代表疼痛程度,0表示无痛,10表示剧痛)评定,在治疗后行干预效果评定。显著好转为腰酸、腰痛消失,无晨间痛,可以从事普通工作及家务劳动;好转为腰酸、腰痛及晨间痛明显减轻,或其中1项症状消失;无效为症状无明显改善或加重。结果:67例患者全部进入结果分析。①治疗前后疼痛指数比较:治疗组及对照组患者治疗后的疼痛指数较治疗前显著降低犤(2.88±2.07,4.03±2.16);(7.00±1.79,6.82±1.89);(t=10.72,9.27,P<0.01)犦。②治疗后的干预效果比较:治疗组34例患者治疗后显著好转、好转及无效分别为19,12和3例;对照组33例患者分别为8,19和6例,治疗组的干预效果显著优于对照组(χ2=7.05,P<0.05)。结论:针刺结合火罐疗法及电脑中频结合超短波治疗均能减轻慢性腰肌劳损患者的疼痛,但针刺结合火罐疗法的干预效果更优。针刺结合拔罐疗法能行气活血、通络止痛,促进腰肌劳损病灶尽快得到康复。 AIM: To observe the change of pain scores and its intervention effect after treatment with acupuncture combined with cupping in patients with chronic lumbar muscle strain and compare the curative effect with the method of medium frequency electrotherapy combined with ultrashort wave electrotherapy. METHODS: Totally 67 patients with chronic lumbar muscle strain treated in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Second Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University from March to October 2003 were involved. Informed consent was obtained. The patients were randomly divided into 2 groups, treatment group (n=34) and control group (n=33). ①Jiaji points in the lumbar part and 3 to 5 Jing points in the bladder and Weizhong point were selected in the treatment group. 5.0 cm No.30 stainless needle was used to perform acupuncture with the in-depth of l inch, soreness, swellness and heavy were set as the degrees .Retaining the needle was for 30 minutes, needling manipulation was performed once to twice. After withdrawing the needle, 4 to 6 cupping glasses were used to at the Ah shih, retaining the cupping glass for 20 minutes. Acupuncture and cupping method were performed once each day for 20 days. ② Medium frequency electrotherapy combined with ultrashort wave ecechrotherapy were used in the control group once each day , 20 minutes each time for 20 days. Pain score evaluation was performed before and after treatment (0-10 stands for the degree of the pain, 0 for painless and 10 for twinge). Intervention effect was evaluated after treatment. Soreness of waist, pain of waist disappearing and no morning pain indicated ameliorated significantly and they can do common work and house work; soreness of waist and pain of waist and morning pain lighten obviously or the symptom of any item of them disappeared indicated ameliorated; the symptom improved a little or aggravated indicated no effect. RESULTS: All the 67 patients entered the stage of result analysis. ① Comparison of the pain score before and after treatment: The pain scores of the patients in the control group and patients group were significantly decreased before treatment than those after treatment [(2.88±2.07, 4.03±2.16); (7.00±1.79,6.82±1.89); (t =10.72,9.27,P 〈 0.01)]. ② Comparison of the intervention effect after treatment : 19, 12 and 3 cases of the treatment group got obvious amelioration, amelioration and no effect respectively; and 8, 19 and 6 cases in the control group respectively. The intervention effect in the treatment group was superior to that in the control group (X^2=-7.05 ,P 〈 0.05). CONCLUSION: Acupuncture combined with cupping and medium frequency electrotherapy combined with ultrashort wave electrotherapy both can reduce the pain of patients with chronic lumbar muscle strain. But the treatment of acupuncture combined with cupping has better effect. Acupuncture combined with cupping can promote qi and blood circulation, remove obstruction in the channels to relieve pain and promote the lumbar muscle strain focus recovered as soon as possible.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第26期46-47,共2页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
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