本文系统调查研究了湿地松粉蚧Oracella acuta(Lobdell)在广东新侵入区的天敌种类数量动态以及对该粉蚧的自然控制作用,结果表明,在新侵入区,湿地松粉蚧没有寄生性天敌;捕食性天敌以蜘蛛类的数量为多,其次是瓢虫和草蛉类,通过排除作用的控制指数分析捕食性天敌的控制作用不明显,这些天敌在自然条件下远未能控制该粉蚧的种群数量发展并通过侵入区和原产地天敌的比较,认为引进天敌是解决滚粉蚧防治问题的一条有效的途径。
In this paper, the species, population dynamics and natural control effects of the natural enemies of the loblloly pine mealybug Oracella acuta were studied. The results showed that parasitioids were unobserved, the suppression effects of predators on the pest were not obvious, the exclusion index of population control (EIPC) was 1. 27 to in-dicate that the next pest population will increase 1. 27 times if the natural enemies were excluded in the new infested area.
Natural Enemies of Insects