
缺碘和氟中毒对大鼠甲状腺的协同作用 被引量:3

Synergistic action of iodine-deficiency and fluorine-intoxication on the thyroid in rats
摘要 实验用Wistar大鼠212只,按饮食中碘和氟含量不同随机分为五组,实验期为7个月。结果显示:摄碘正常的大鼠长期饮用30ppm氟水后引起甲状腺功能和形态的严重损害,而饮用10ppm氟水的大鼠仅见甲状腺滤泡上皮超微结构的轻度异常变化;单纯性缺碘大鼠甲状腺肿大并伴有代偿性功能变化,缺碘并饮用10ppm氟水的大鼠在其甲状腺肿大的同时伴有明显的形态结构损伤及甲状腺代偿功能抑制,甚至功能低下。 212 Wistar rats were divided randomly into five groups, each of which was fed on one of the following regimes respectively: (1) normal iodine and fluorine, (Ⅱ) normal iodine, 10 ppm fluorine, (Ⅲ) normal iodine, 30 ppm fluorine, (Ⅳ) low iodine, normal fluorine, (Ⅴ) low iodine, 10 ppm fluorine. The total experimental period was seven months. The results showed that severe morphologic and functional damages of the thyroid appeared in the rats drinking water containing 30 ppm fluorine, but only slight abnormal ultrastructural changes of the thyroid cells appeared in the rats drinking water containing 10 ppm fluorine; the rats with iodine deficiency showed proliferative changes of the thyroid; the rats on iodine deficient diet and drinking water containing 10 ppm fluorine showed morphologic and functional damages as well as proliferation. The study suggests that there is a synergistic action of iodine deficiency and fluorine-intoxication on the thyroid.
出处 《中国病理生理杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1989年第3期158-163,共6页 Chinese Journal of Pathophysiology
关键词 氟中毒 碘缺乏 甲状腺 协同作用 fluorine iodine thyroid gland
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