Abstract Tree architecture is the synthetical expression of the species biological genetic andecological adaptive characteristics, and is the direct representing of the tree growth character-istic and production efficiency. The studies on tree architecture play an important role in theforestry theory and practice. So, it has been the one of the key topics of tree physiology andecology. In this paper, the history of the studies on tree architecture is reviewed, and the re-cent advances are also disscused. Based on these comments, the 3 statuses (morphology,biomass and dynamic) of tree architecture are presented. The division of tree morphology ar-chitecture, tree biomass architecture and tree dynamic architecture, can not only representthe static (morphology and biomass) and dynamic characteristics of tree architectrure and in-dicate that tree architecture is a unity of the absolute dynamic and relative static, but alsomake a clear distinction thin the studies of tree architecture and provide a systematic and reli-able theory for the evaluation and analysis of tree growth characteristics.
World Forestry Research