具有漫反射特性的农用塑料薄膜是一类新型农膜,它能让太阳光以散射的方式透过,增加可见光的透过率,减少波长7~25μm 的红外光的透过,具有良好的温室效应,并能阻止强烈阳光的照射。两年来的试验表明:这种薄膜在很多方面优于普通农膜。当用于小面积蔬菜栽种时,产量增加14~18%;当用于大面积水稻秧苗种植试验时,秧苗能够提平移植。本文阐述了漫反射农膜的光学机理、特性及用于大面积种植时的效果。
The agricultural plastic film with diffuse reflection power is a new typeof agricultural film which allows transmission of sunlight in a diffusion mo-de,enhances the transmission rate of visible light,and reduce the transmi-ttance of infrared of 7-25 micrometers,also has a good green-house effectand protects to the strong solar rediation.Two years testing showed it issuperior to the conventional type agricultural film in every aspect.Whenused on small tunnel for vegetables growing,the yield is increased by 14-18% as compared with conventional agricultural film,when used in seedli-ng breeding of rice,the seedling can be transplanted earlier.This paperelucidates the optical mechanism and characteristics of the film and itsapplication results during large-scale field testing.
China Plastics