
中国毛茛属修订(二) 被引量:13

摘要 中国毛茛属修订(二)王文采AREVISIONOFTHEGENUSRANUNCULUSINCHINA(Ⅱ)¥WangWen-tsaiAbstract:1.Inthepresentrevisionarerecognzed119species,ofwhic... n the present revision are recognzed 119 species,of which 4 are naturalized spedes,24 varietles,and 2 forms of the Chinese Ranunculus,which are classifiedinto 2 subgenepe 12 sections, and 15 series. 1 monotypic subgenus, 3 sections, 12 series, 11 species. and 9 varieties are described as new. An artificial key to the Species is given. The important literature and selected specimens for each species are cited. 2. Some morphological characters are analysed, and some evolutionary tendencies are revealed as follows.The characters analysed above are significant in classifying the various infrageneric taxa. According to them, the sect. Auricomus is considered the primitive group of the Chinese Annunculus. 3. On geographical distribution:(1) 60 species are endemic in China.(2) In China, the most complicated region of the Ranumulus flora is the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau including the Hellgdua Mountains.with 53 species and 14 varieties, of which 40 spedes .belong to 11 series of the sect.Auricomus. The monotypic subgenus Stewissa ac section Deinostigma. and the two series Similes and Telrandri of sect.Auheomus.are all advanced taxa and endemic to it.(fig. 8)(3) The areas ofRanunculus brothemsii. R. furcatpes. R. tanguticus var.tanguticus, and R. nephelogenes var. nepheIogenes are mainly situated on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, but with a few isolated habitats in the northern parts of Shanxi and Hebei and the southwestern part of Neimonggol. (figs.6 & 7) This disjunction might be resulted from the effects of the Quaternary giaciers,and implies that there was a migration route(Helanshan-Inshan corridor) along the Helan Mauntains and the Inshan Mountains once in the Past.(4) Basing on the areas of R. latens and its closely related ally, R.japonicus(fig. 8).I postulate that these two species Inight be a sister group and might originate in the Hengduan Mountains. The race of R. japonicus var. japonicosIvith longer and yellowishj ha.irs might be distributed fi.om these montains eastwardalollg both Qinling--Dabie corridor. and Naming corridor (Wang 1992) to Japan;tvhereas the other race of var. japonicus' With shorter 'and white hairs might be'derived afterwards from it' and extended from 'the Qirtling Mountains northward toSiberia. R- j'aPOnl'cus var. PrOPinquus might originate together with var. japonicus inthe Hengduan Mountains and was distributed from there northward along theChinese southtvest--northeast corridor(Wang 1992) to Siberia.(fig. 8) (5) On thebasis of the areas of denunculus brotherusii. R.' tang.ulichs (fig. 6), iTrollius farreri(Wang 1979), and DeIPhinium trichOPllorum(WAng 1%2).a migration' route along theeastern margin of the Qinghai--Xizang Plateau is detected, and may be called theHengduan--Qilian corridor.(fig. 8) In addition, aGCording to the areas of Ranunculusmbrocaly,x. R. wtsepalus. R. laetus.R. natans. Adohis chr.Woc-T'tllha (Wang 1994),Corydallk striCta. Parry'a nudicaulis,and Artewha 'draconculus (Dhar & Kachroo1983), one other migration route along the western margin of the Qinghal;--XizangPlateau .is observed. and may be called the Karakorum--Tianshan corridor (fig. 8),tvhich has been an imPOrtant Passage for the exchange of the Siberian and theHimalayan noristic elements. (6) In xinjiang occur 37 species,of which 28 are incommon with Asia Media and western Siberia.(7) In Neimonggol and NortheastChina occur 22 species, of which 15 are in common with Siberia and 9 with Japan.(8) In Taiwan Province occur about 13 species: About 7 species are endemics andare mainly distributed in the a1Pine regions. Of them, R. j'unl'Pericola. R. nankotaizanus.and R. formaosa--monta ̄ are similar to certain species of the western high--land of China. and R. matsudai and K taisanen'rl's are related to R.j'aponicus. atvide--spreading specien in eastern Asia. As to the another endemic, R. cheirOPlly.llus.I failed to find out any species of the genus Ranunculus of eastern As'beingeither related or similar to it.(9) In the subtropical hilly regions south of theQipling Mountains occur 10 species,of which 7 are wide--spreading. R-
作者 王文采
出处 《植物研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第3期275-329,共55页 Bulletin of Botanical Research
关键词 毛茛属 毛茛科 分类学 中国 修订 Ranunculus China taxonomical revision
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