Abstract: Se contents and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activities in tissues of rats with mild iodine deficiency increased and decreased after the repletion and the depletion of selenium (Se) respectively, but the changed tendencies in various tissues was different with time prolonging. Within four weeks, hepatic and renal Se contents and GPx activities changed more, and at the 8th week there was the tendency of further increase and decrease in RBC′s Se content and GPx activity in Se-repleted and Se-depleted rats, respectively. On the contrast, Se content and GPx activities in brain and thyroid after the depletion of Se were increased, but the increased extent was less than that after the repletion of Se. These results suggest that brain has the priority to get Se. Brain and thyroid have better ability in the maintaince of antioxidant status. Liver and kidney or RBCmay be the essential sources of Se for the important organs during the early or later Se-deficient stage, respectivily. RBC may act as "Se pool".t Seleium Iodine; Glutathione peroxidase
Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology