e compared thc data of the resident salt intake which were come from the
both of Tian jin NCD-s ite and the non-in- tcrventional site.The total objects were included 897
families which were ,146 families of NCD-site and 451 families of the non-interventional
site.The salt intake was 8.l 8g(SD= 3.95g)in Ncd-site which was significantly lower than the
non-intcrventional sitc which was 9.669(SD=6.6lg).That is to say the diet intervention has
gotten some effects。In the survcy,the salt and soy intake were sclected as the surveying
target reflected the relative level of salt intake in the both sites. According to it,we were able to
evaluate the diet inter-vention. So it could be regarded as a simple and useful method.
Chinese Journal of Prevention and Control of Chronic Diseases