Glucocorticid receptor(GCR) of leukocytes in pe-ripheral blood and plasma
cortisol(F)concentrationwere determined by the method of radioligand bindingassay with[ ̄3H]
dexamethesone ( Dex)in 36 patientswith muItiplc organ failure(MOF). Acute Physiologyand
Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE)Ⅱscoreswere used in these patients. The results revealed
thatGCR in MOF patients was 11 94.8±1088. 9 sites/cellwhich was markeadly lower than that in
normal controls(4526.6±451.3sites/ceLL)(P<0. 01).F concentrationin MOF patients was
 ̄·767. 28±430. 56 nmo1/L whichwas higher than that in normal controls(353.28±115. 92
nmol/L)(P<0.05). The number offailed or-gans was closely related to GCR and APACHE Ⅱ
scoresbut not related to F level in MSOF patients。There wasno significant relationship
between the decreased GCRand increased F concentration in MOF patients. The au-thors
consider that the reasonable use of exogenous glu-cocorticoid or measures to increase GCR
may benefit theprevention and treatment of MOF.
Chinese Critical Care Medicine