2See Nhat D. Phan. Leveling The Playing Field:Harmonization Of Antitrust Guidelines For International Patent Licensing Agreements In The United States, Japan, And The European Union. American University Journal of International Law and Policy, Fall 1994.
3Joel Davidow, The New Japanese Guidelines on Unfair Practices in Patent and Know-How Licenses: An American View,Pat. Antitrust 1989.
4Roger D. Taylor et al. A Comparison of International Intellectual Property Licensing Guidelines in the United States and Japan, 9 UCLA Pac. Basin LJ. 104, 114 (1991) .
5Jiro Tamura. Market Access Issues in Japan's Antimonopely Law. Address Before the Japan Foundation Conference on Competition Policy in the Global Trading System (Jun. 23,2000)
6Francis Gurry. The Evolution Of Technology And Markets And The Management Of Intellectual Property Rights. At http://www.ustreas.gov/press/releases/pa617.htm.
8Gerald F Masoudi.Intellectual property Rights and Competition Law[].The Antitrust Review of the Americas -a Global Competition Review spe- cial report.