Objetctive Evaluation of value for ultrasoundguided hand - held mammotome biopsy in impalpable breast leision. Methods To achieve breast diagnosis, 265 ultrasound guided hand - held mammotome- biopsies were performed between June and September, 2004. Results Histological probe sample examination was positive in 31 leisions and negaive in 234 leisions. Of the 31 positive leisions, 4 were infiltrating carcinomas, 3 ductal carcinomas in situ, and 24 atypical hyperplasia. 7 malignant cases underwent surgery. The post -sugical histological examination confirmed all diagnoses with mammotome biopsy. Conclusion Our data confirm the value of sonography for the diagnosis of breast carcinoma in the preclinical phase and the efficacy of ultrasound sampling using a mammotome device to confirm the diagnosis in impalable breast lesions.
Practical Oncology Journal