

Relationship between time phase of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation and clinical pregnanacy rate
摘要 目的研究IVF-ET及ICSI过程中控制性促超排卵的时相与临床妊娠率之间的关系,及其对胚胎质量、子宫内膜状态的影响。方法选取本院生殖中心的112个IVF-ET及ICSI周期,包括黄体中期长方案、短方案、超短方案等模拟自然周期的促超排卵方案,研究促性腺激素(Gn)启动日、Gn使用天数、hCG日等时相性因素与临床妊娠率之间的关系,并分析Cn使用天数对胚胎质量及hCG日对子宫内膜状态的影响。结果Gn启动日与临床妊娠率无显著相关性,Gn使用天数为9~10d或hCG日在月经第12~14d的临床妊娠率显著升高(P分别<0.01及=0.001),而且,Gn使用天数为9~10d所获得的胚胎质量提高(P<0.05)。结论IVF-ET及ICSI的临床妊娠率与促超排卵的时相相关,适当的Gn使用天数可以提高胚胎质量、适宜的hCG日则通过同步胚胎与子宫内膜的发育发挥作用。 Objective:To analyze the relationship between time phase of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation and clinical pregnancy rate of IVF - ET or ICSI. Methods:choose 112 cycles of IVF- ET or ICSI, include mid- luteal phase long protocol, short protocol and ultrashort protocol. analyze the relationship between triggering day( the day when gonadotropin started to be administrated), duration of gonadotropin stimulation, hCG day (the day when hCG was administrated) and clinical pregnancy rate. At the same time, analyze the irdluenee of duration of gonadotorpin stimulation on embryo quality, and analyze the influence of duration of gonadotropin stimulation on embryo quality, and analyze the influence of hCG day on endometrial thickness and type. Results:The triggering day isn't correlated with clinical pregnancy rate. But when duration of gonadotropin stimulation is 9 - 10days or hCG is administrated on day 12 to 14 of menstrual cycle ,clinical pregnancy rate is high (P 〈 0.01 and P = 0.001, respectively). And when duration of gonadotropin stimulation is 9 - 10 days, embryo quality is high. Conclusion:Time phase of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation is correlated with clinical pregnancy rate of IVF - ET or ICSI. Proper duration of gonadotropin stimulation can influence embryo quality, appropriate hCG day can synchronize embryo growth and endometrium.
出处 《中国优生与遗传杂志》 2005年第8期115-116,128,共3页 Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity
关键词 体外受精—胚胎移植 单精子卵胞浆内显微注射 控制性促超排卵 临床妊娠 In vitro fertilization & embryo transfer( IVF - ET) Intraeytoplasmic. sperm injection(ICSI) Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation(COH) Clinical pregnancy
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