为了克服大型超市管理中的盲目性和决策中的随意性,有利于对超市进行科学和规范的现代化管理,提高工作效率,笔者运用数据仓库技术,针对大型超市销售经营模式,构造了大型超市数据仓库系统。数据库平台采用SQL Server2000,数据仓库集成模块采用VC++开发,数据仓库客户端程序和OLAP分析采用Power Builder开发。该系统性能价格比高,系统运行速度快,对超市两年的历史数据进行分析操作获得了令人满意的效果。此系统具有良好的通用性,能适应不同超市的销售情况,为今后的维护、增量开发提供了良好的基础。
In order to overcome the blindfoldness in the management of large supermarket and improve the productivity, the technology of how to use data warehouse to assist the management of supermarket is introduced. The data warehouse platform used in this system is SQL Server 2000 and the data warehouse integration module is developed by using VC+ + and then the client side and OLAP is developed by using Power Builder. This is a high performance price rate system and has achieved satisfied result while running in the supermarket. This is a common purpose system and has a very good foundation for maintenance and further development.
Microcomputer Development