Java EE是构建分布式企业应用信息系统的计算平台,本文提出基于共相思想和Java EE的新一代Internet GIS的技术框架,针对Internet环境中多用户并发访问和海量空间数据难以有效发布的难题。在共相思想指导下,引入集群并行技术,提出动态负载平衡器中基于区域分治的负载平衡算法,另外一项关键技术是针对Java EE多层体系结构的智能缓存技术,为面向互联网公众Internet GIS提供了解决方案。
This paper introduces a new architecture of Internet GIS based on universal idea and Java EE technique, the distributed enterprise computing platform. The Internet GIS can handle the incoming multi-access request concurrently from Internet users. Another big challenge is to disseminate the increasing massive spatial data via Internet. We address the cluster computing technology with the region-division loading balance algorithms as the core component of dynamic load balancer. Multi-tie intelligent caching for Java EE platform improves the performance of Internet GIS dramatically.
Geomatics World