
茶叶·福音·传教——十九世纪来华传教士卢公明弃教从商个案研究 被引量:11

Tea, Gospel and Mission --A Case Study of Justus Doolittle from Bission to Musiness in 19th Century's China
摘要 武夷山是近代世界红茶的主要产地,而临近武夷茶区的福建省会福州是晚清最早的五个通商口岸之一和近代东南沿海重要的传教基地。美国新教传教士卢公明(JustusDoolittle,1824-1880)在华传教十余载,其传教活动的进行与福州茶叶贸易发展的兴衰紧密相连。后来他一度放弃传教,在福州茶叶贸易兴盛期问担任美商琼记洋行(AugustineHeard&Co.)的茶商翻译。直接参与晚清茶叶贸易的全过程。本文以卢公明的传教活动为主线,通过他与茶叶关系的个案研究,对传教士从商现象以及茶叶与福音关系等问题进行了深入的探讨。 Wuyi Mountain was the key producing area of black tea in Modern world, and Fuzhou, me provincial capital of Fujian and a city near the Wuyi Mountain, was one of the earliest treaty ports in late Qing Dynasty and the important missionary base in southeast China. Justus Doolittle (1824- 1880), a Protestant from America, was engaged in mission in China for over ten years. His mission was in close relation with the ebb and flow of the tea trade in Fuzhou port. After then, he gave up his mission as a Protestant, and, during the boom of tea trade in Fuzhou port, became a translator of Augustine Heard & Co. in tea trade. He was directly involved in the whole process of tea trade in late Qing Dynasty. This paper, on the basis of the case study of Justus Doolittle and taking his mission as its mainstream, explores in depth the problems such as missionaries engaged in business and the relation of tea and Gospel.
作者 林立强
出处 《福建师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2005年第5期112-119,共8页 Journal of Fujian Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
关键词 茶叶 福音 传教士 卢公明 tea Gospel Missionary Justus Doolittle
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