The watertube tiltmeters settled at the Aburatsubo Crustal Movement Obserbvatory in Japan are composed of components N22°E and E9°S, their length are 25m and 10m respectively.The angle between both components is 77°. At the Yahiko Crustal Movement Observatory, two tiltmeters with the length of 30m are arranged to be orthogonal even though they deviate clockwisely from the normal N and E in an angle of 28°.In some papers, the observations were processed according to the parallelogram law but the results are unpractical.In this paper, the data are reprocessed by use of exact method. By comparing the results with each other It is found out that they are different. In addition, accuracy of the formulae for ground tilt data processing are also discussed.
Crustal Deformation and Earthquake