
超微细粉腰痛宁胶囊镇痛作用的量效关系 被引量:3

Dose-effect relationship of analgesic effects of superfine powder
摘要 目的:观察比较腰痛宁胶囊超细粉碎前后的镇痛作用。方法:实验于2004-05/07在承德医学院机能实验室完成。采用小鼠热板法和扭体法探讨腰痛宁胶囊超细粉碎前后的镇痛作用。①超微细粉腰痛宁胶囊对小鼠热板法致痛的影响:取小鼠60只,随机分为6组,每组10只,超微细粉腰痛宁胶囊40,20mg/kg组;普通腰痛宁胶囊40,20mg/kg组;消炎痛组10mg/kg和生理盐水组(等容量给药),各组灌胃给药,给药体积为20mL/kg,分别测定给药前、给药后0.25,0.5,1,2h的痛反应潜伏期。②超微细粉腰痛宁胶囊对小鼠扭体反应的影响:取小鼠60只,分组、剂量及给药方法同①,给药15min后每鼠注射乙酸溶液,5min后计算药物对扭体反应的抑制率。③超微细粉腰痛宁胶囊镇痛作用的ED50:取小鼠200只,分别灌胃给药。计算超微细粉腰痛宁胶囊、普通腰痛宁胶囊镇痛作用ED50及95%CI。结果:所用实验动物320只小鼠全部记录结果进行统计分析,无脱失值。①与生理盐水组比较,采用热板法时超微细粉腰痛宁胶囊和普通腰痛宁胶囊高、低剂量组小鼠舔后足时间明显延长,作用持续时间在2h以上,超微细粉腰痛宁胶囊与普通腰痛宁胶囊等剂量组间比较,小鼠舔后足时间亦有所延长。②超微细粉腰痛宁胶囊与普通腰痛宁胶囊等剂量组间比较,各个时间段内小鼠扭体次数均明显减少,且超微细粉组起效更快。结论:超微细粉腰痛宁胶囊较普通腰痛宁胶囊具有更强的镇痛作用,且呈明显的量效关系。 AIM: To compare the analgesic effects of superfine powder Yaotongning capsule before and after administration. METHODS: The experiment was conducted in the Department of Functional Experimentation, Chengde Medical College between May and July 2004. The analgesic effects of superfine powder Yaotongning capsule were tested by hot-plate and writhing methods in mice before and after pulverization.①Analgesic effects of superfine powder Yaotongning capsule in mice by test hot-plate method: Sixty mice were randomly divided into 6 groups(n=10 in each group): superfine powder Yaotongning capsule 40 and 20 mg/kg groups, ordinary Yaotongning capsule 40 and 20 mg/kg groups, Xiaoyantong 10 mg/kg group and normal saline group with equal volume. The drugs were given through gastric perfusion at the administration area of 20 mL/kg. Latency of pain was measured in mice before and at 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2 hours after administration. ②Effect of superfine powder Yaotongning capsule on writhing in mice: The grouping was the same as in ① Each mouse was injected with acetic acid solution at 15 minutes after administration, and the inhibition rate of drug influencing the writhing was measured at 5 minutes after administration. ③Median effective dose(ED50) of superfine powder Yaotongning capsule playing analyestic effects: The drugs were given by gastric perfusion into 200 mice.(ED50) of superfine powder Yaotongning capsule and ordinary Yaotongning capsule playing were measured and the confidence intervals were calculated. RESULTS: All 320 mice were recorded and analyzed statistically without loss. ①By hot-plate method, the time of the mice licking hind paws was remarkably prolonged in the superfine powder Yaotongning capsule and ordinary Yaotongning capsule 40 and 20 mg/kg groups, and analgesic duration exceeded 2 hours; It was also prolonged in the superfine powder Yootongning capsule group as compared with the ordinary Yaotongning capsule at the same dose. ②By the writhing method, superfine powder Yaotongning capsule could obviously decrease writhing times in mice as compared with ordinary Yaotongning capsule at each time duration. The analgesic effects of superfine powder Yaotongning capsule were faster than ordinary Yaotongning capsule group. CONCLUSION: Superfine powder Yaotongning capsule has more analgesic effects than ordinary Yaotongning capsule has, and the analgesic effects are in a dose-effect relationship.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第30期160-161,共2页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
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