信息化大潮,浩浩荡荡,已经成为推动社会发展的重要力量。我国各行各业的信息化建设正在如火如 地展开,信息应用不断丰富,信息化对社会生产和人们生活的影响日益深入。在这样的大背景下,电信运营商也明确提出了向综合信息服务商转型,希望通过更周到、更全面地服筹于信息化来创造电信行业新的发展机遇。运营商服务信息化的一大关键就是要实现信息与通信技术(ICT)的有机集成,
The mighty spring tide of informatization has become the important strength to push social development. China's Informatization construction is now being expanded like raging fire in various trades and industries, information application has been enriched continuously, informatization is increasingly penetrating into social production and people's life. Under such general background, telecom operators have also clearly proposed to change into comprehensive information service providers,