
知识、策略及权力关系再生产 对鲁西南某景区开发引起的社会冲突的分析 被引量:7

Knowledge, Strategies and Power Reproduction: An Analysis of the Social Conflicts over a Hill Resources Exploitation in the Southwest of Shandong
摘要 This was a case study to describe and analyze the social conflicts erupted during the course of a scenery district development at Hill Gold Bull. The inspection of all the profit-seeking parties involved in the conflicts revealed that these conflicts in a traditional rural area were not only a result of competition for profits but also a struggle between two intellectual points of view. A new power network gradually took shape in the process of applying various strategies to resolve the conflicts. The reproduced power structure did not focus on the winner or the loser but reflected a process of both sides “learning” from each other to form a new relationship. The study also urged researchers to note that social conflicts at the grass roots should not be attributed to the withdrawal of the state power; on the contrary, they actually facilitate the building of improved state power at the grass-roots units. This was a case study to describe and analyze the social conflicts erupted during the course of a scenery district development at Hill Gold Bull. The inspection of all the profit -seeking parties involved in the conflicts revealed that these conflicts in a traditional rural area were not only a result of competition for profits but also a struggle between two intellectual points of view. A new power network gradually took shape in the process of applying various strategies to resolve the conflicts. The reproduced power structure did not focus on the winner or the loser but reflected a process of both sides “learning” from each other to form a new relationship. The study also urged researchers to note that social conflicts at the grass roots should not be attributed to the withdrawal of the state power; on the contrary, they actually facilitate the building of improved state power at the grass-roots units.
作者 杨继涛
出处 《社会》 北大核心 2005年第5期143-166,共24页 Chinese Journal of Sociology
关键词 社会冲突 权力关系 景区开发 再生产 知识 西南 村民委员会 人际关系 农村社区 social conflict, local -area knowledge, operational rules of market economy,strategies, network of power
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