
养殖大菱鲆溃疡症病原菌的分离鉴定及系统发育分析 被引量:67

Identification and phylogenetic study of pathogenic bacteria causing ulcer disease of cultured Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus)
摘要 2004年夏季山东海阳一带养殖大菱鲆(Scophthalmus maximusL.)暴发溃疡病。症状主要表现为体表病灶部位出血、肌肉溃烂、眼球凸出等,解剖可见鳃丝贫血,肝脏充血,肾脏和胆囊肿大,肠壁充血并呈透明状,从出现发病症状起,大约一周后开始出现死亡。从病鱼体表溃疡部位及内脏分离出优势菌并命名为H1,经人工感染证实H1即为引起本次养殖大菱鲆体表溃疡症的病原菌。对病原菌进行鉴定揭示该菌革兰氏染色阴性,菌体呈短杆状,极生单鞭毛。综合该菌在形态、生理生化、API20NE与API20E自动鉴定结果、16S rDNA同源性等方面的特性,确认H1为哈维氏弧菌(Vibrio harveyi),该菌对呋喃妥因、菌必治等多种抗生素敏感。哈维氏弧菌是海水养殖鱼类的常见致病菌,但作为养殖大菱鲆的病原菌属首次报道。 An outbreak of ulcer disease of the cultured turbot Scophthalmus maximus L. occurred in an indoor farm in Haiyang, Shandong Province in the sweltering August of 2004 and caused significant mortality. At the beginning, infected turbots displayed sluggish swimming and anorexia. Several days later, the turbot eyes swelled, the fins and tail turned red, and the back gradually ulcerated. Dissection of the moribund fish showed that the ulcerative gills paled, the liver becamed bloodshot, the kidney and gallbladder swelled, the intestinal wall became filmy and bloodshot. The time course from appearance of disease signs to death lasted about a week. A dominant strain of bacteria, which was Gramnegative and short rod with single polar flagellum under electron microscope, was isolated from the diseased turbot and designated as HI. In artificial infection test, all fish of the experimental groups died in a week after intramuscularly injected with bacterial suspension, while the control group showed no signs in 10 d post-challenge. The moribund experimental fish had similar gross signs as the natural infected fish. The bacteria re-isolated from the challenged fish also had the same characteristics as H1, which proved that the isolate H1 was the pathogenic bacteria that triggered this ulcer disease. Different methods were used to identify the pathogenic bacteria. The identification result by API 20NE and API 20E system indicated that H1 was Aeromonas hydrophila, with 99% reliability and 61.5% respectively. While traditional biochemical identification revealed that H1 exhibited relatedness to Vibrio harveyi. In order to confirm the different result, a 1424 bp sequence of Hl's 16S rDNA was amplified and compared with other Vibrio spp. in GenBank, homology analysis and phylogenetic study showed that H1 has the highest similarity to V. harveyi, with 99% identity. According to morphological features, physiological and biological characteristics and 16S rDNA homology comparison of the bacteria, the pathogenic bacteria were V. harveyi. Drugs sensitivity test showed that the pathogenic bacteria were highly sensitive to nitrofurantoinum and ceftriaxone sodium etc. This is the first report that V. harveyi was found as the pathogenic bacteria of cultured turbot in China. The research suggests that V. harveyi should be regarded as an important pathogen of turbot and can causes ulcer disease under conditions of high temperatures. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent against ulcer disease in culture turbot in summer.
出处 《微生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第5期665-670,共6页 Acta Microbiologica Sinica
基金 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所海水养殖生物病害控制与分子病理学实验室经费资助~~
关键词 哈维氏弧菌 大菱鲆 溃疡症 病原菌 16S RDNA Vibrio harveyi, Turbot( Scophthalmus maximus ), Ulcer disease, Pathogeny, 16S rDNA
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