
选择性脑超深低温技术对常温脑血流阻断猴的治疗作用 被引量:7

Therapeutic effects of selective cerebral ultraprofound hypothermia in monkeys after occlusion of cerebral blood flow
摘要 目的研究选择性脑超深低温技术是否对常温下脑血流阻断10min猴仍有治疗作用。方法8只恒河猴双侧颈动脉和颈静脉系统分离、常温下脑血流阻断10min、建立严重脑缺血缺氧模型。4只动物通过一侧颈内动脉灌注4℃林格氏液同侧颈内静脉回流,阻断其他颈部血管,脑温维持在(15.4±2.03)℃、中心体温(32.2±1.23)℃。60-80min后恢复脑血流。另外4只猴采用相同方法脑灌注37℃林格氏液。实验前后观察猴脑神经功能变化、MR扫描和脑电镜检查。结果4只选择性脑超深低温治疗的猴正常存活、无任何神经功能障碍、MR扫描正常、脑组织电镜检查无异常;而4只常温组猴全部死亡。结论早期采用脑选择性深低温技术对十分严重脑缺血缺氧、甚至脑无血无氧有肯定治疗作用,为今后临床使用该技术提供了可靠的实验依据。 Objective To determine whether therapeutic effects of selective cerebral profound hypothermia initiated 10 minutes after occlusion of cerebral blood flow in monkeys. Methods To establish the severe cerebral ischemia, all carotid arteries and jugular veins were occluded for 10 minutes at room temperature in eight rhesus monkeys. Selective cerebral circulation was established by perfusion of 4℃ cooling Linger's liquid through fight internal carotid artery and flow out of left jugular vein with clip of all other carotid arteries in 4 monkeys, brain temperature reached (15.4±2.03)℃ while the body temperature maintained (32.2±1.23)℃ during selective cerebral cooling linger's liquid perfusion, and cerebral blood flow recovered after 60-80 minutes of cerebral ischemia and monkey came back naturally. The cerebral functions, MR scan, and ultrastructures were examined. Other four monkeys had cerebral perfusion of 37℃ Linger's liquid with similar methods. Results All four monkeys in selective cerebral ultraprofound hypothermia survived without any abnormal neurological deficits, MR scan and cerebral uhrastructure. However, the other four monkeys died in normothermia group. Conclusions Selective cerebral uhraprofound hypothermia may provide marked therapeutic effects, which indicates its usefulness of selective cerebral uhraprofound hypothermia in severe cerebral ischemic patients.
出处 《中华神经外科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第10期633-635,共3页 Chinese Journal of Neurosurgery
基金 国家重点基础研究项目(937计划项目)(编号:2005CB22604) 上海市科委重点项目基金(No.03JC14038) 教育部科学技术研究重点项目(No.02141) 云南省自然科学基金资助项目(No.2002C0052M)
关键词 选择性脑超深低温 脑血流阻断10min 选择性脑超深低温技术 脑血流阻断 治疗作用 恒河猴 常温下 颈内动脉灌注 脑缺血缺氧 Selective uhraprofound hypothermia Ten minutes occlusion of cerebral blood flow Monkey
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