利用Lonworks技术与模糊PID控制的优点, 将它们相结合应用于中央空调系统, 研究发现运用此方法设计出的系统超调小、调节迅速、上升时间短,具有良好的鲁棒性。另外,由于采用了Lonworks总线使得智能节点可自由通信、安装调试方便且能对温、湿度进行实时监控。通过此设计将使中央空调控制系统的整体性能大为提高。
Lonworks technology with fuzzy - PID controller to apply in central air-conditioning system,taking advantage of their merits is combined. With this method, the research shows that the system has smaller overshot, stronger robustness and rapid adjustment. In addition, intelligent-point can communicate freely, install conveniently and monitor temperature and humidity timely, because Lnworks-bus is adopted. The design will improve the integral-property of central air-conditioning control system greatly.
Electric Drive Automation