he flux of carbonyl sulfide between the atmosphere and the underlying forest hasbeen measured by a flux-gradient technique on the 50m tower of the forestry faculty ofthe University of Goettingen in the Natural Reserve Solling in Central Germany. Thesite is covered by beech and spruce of 120 and 80 years of age, respectively. The canopyheight is around 28 meters. Carbonyl sulfide was sampled simultaneously at 32, 38 and50m above the ground by cryo-trapping over 10min intervals. Samples were analyzed byGC/FPD. Fluxes of COS above the forest were derived from COS gradients and diffusivities of heat and water vapor. Diffusivities were derived from gradients and fluxes ofheat and water vapor measured simultaneously with COS. Twenty sets of profiles havebeen obtained during daytime under stable boundary layer conditions. Each of the individual profiles showes a decrease of COS towards the top of the canopy that exceeds theanalytical uncertainty of the measurement. indicating uptake of COS by the forest. Anaverage COS flux of - (143±54) ng COSm-2· s-1 have been obtained.
Acta Meteorologica Sinica