
两种添加剂对猪粪玉米秸秆堆肥氮素转化和堆肥质量的影响 被引量:8

Influence of two amendments on the nitrogen changing and compost quality in the composting of pig manure and corn straw
摘要 鲜猪粪和玉米秸秆以鲜重65:10的比例,分别添加5%的果园土壤和5%的炉渣作为添加剂,在强制通风静态垛堆肥反应器中进行了堆肥化试验.在堆制的44 d里,根据堆温变化分6次采样分析堆肥中各种氮素、有机碳含量和其他性质指标.结果表明:土壤和炉渣的加入对堆温影响不大;但可以降低堆肥高温期水溶性氨氮的浓度,减少氨气的排放,有利于后期有机氮的形成.对照、添加土壤和加炉渣处理在堆制期间有机氮含量的增加幅度分别为:47.4%、 56.8%和74.6%;而总氮的增加幅度分别为:46.4%、 46.0%和45.3%;堆肥后期有硝态氮的淋失.有机碳的降解率分别为30.7%、 29.5%和28.2%;堆肥后期各处理的粪大肠菌值均大于0.111,达到堆肥卫生学标准;且堆制结束时,堆肥的碳氮比在10~13之间,pH值在6~9之间. The two kind of amendments of 5% orchard soil and 5% cinder are added separately into composting to investigate their effect on the characteristics of nitrogen and carbon changing and compost quality. The experiment was carried out in the ratio of 6.5 to 1 between fresh pig manure and corn straw (PM+CS) in the aerated static pile automatic composting device. The results indicated that there was little effects incomposting temperature when the two amendments were added. During the high temperature stage, they could decrease the contents of ammonium-N and reduce the contents of ammonia, the ammonia concentration was 1 494.81 mg/m^3, 1 172.36 mg/m^3 and 1 433.15 mg/m^3(25C value)respectively in the treatment PM+CS, PM+CS+OS and PM+CS+C in the high temperature stage. During the composting process, the contents oforganic-N increased 47.4%, 56.8% and 74.6%; the total nitrogen increased 46. 4%, 46. 0%和45. 3% respectively in the three treatments. The nitrite in company with water soluble organic nitrogen had leached in the temperature decreasing and stable stage. The content of the organic carbon decreased 30.7%, 29.5%和28.2% in the three treatment respectively during the composting. The feces coliform value was all bigger than 0. 111, the pH among 6-9 and the C/N among 10-13 in the end of composting in three treatments, and the three composts were stabled.
出处 《干旱地区农业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期112-118,共7页 Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas
基金 陕西省攻关项目(2003K02-G13-02)
关键词 猪粪秸秆堆肥 添加剂 氮素转化 pig manure corn straw orchard soil cinder nitrogen change compost quality
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