The author adopted the therapy of point-injection in Nei-guan point (P 6) accompanied by puncturing A-shi point to treat 150 cases with acute migraine attack,and the results showded that only point-injection in Nei-guan point had received good results at the producma,aura and early headahe stages (the rate of headache disappeared was 57%).The greater improvement had been made by the point-injection in Nei-guan poin accompanied by puneruring A-shi poin(the rate of headache disappeared was 90%,which has obvious difference comparec with the foumer rate of 57% in statistics,(X^2=39.5,P<0.01).About the point-injection in Nei-guan point reaches the therapeutic effects through the regulation of abnoumal condition of automomic nerve system to affect the cerabual vascular action;and the punturing A-shi point thuough altering the vulnerable condition of sense nervous extrimities (mainly,the trigeminal nerve and the autonomic nervous plexus) at the local,vessal wall or the tissues near the nervous extrimitise or the plexus.
Journal of Clinical Acupuncture and Moxibustion