Objective To explore the effect of +Gz stress on plasma and renal endothelin con-tent. Metbods Forty-eight Wistar rats were randomly divided into 4 groups: group A served asground control. Rats of group B were exposed to + 1 Gz and those of group C and D were exposed to+ 10 Gz 3 times (3 min each, with 40 min interval in between). Plasrna and renal tissue samples ofgroup B and C were taken 10min after +Gz exposure, while those of group D were taken 24 h after ex-posure. Plasma and renal endothelin content were measured by radioimmunoassay. Results PlasmaET-1 content of group C was higher than that of group B, but statistically nonsignificant, while renalET-1 content of group C was significantly lower than that of B. Plasrna ET-1 content of group D resti-tuted to group A level,and renal ET-1 content to group B level. Conclusion Renal ET-1 content de-creased significantly after +Gz exposures, while the increase of plasma ET-1 content was nonsignifi-cant.
Endothelin Acceleration