中世纪及其以前的庭园是规则式园林,反映借助自然之物来美化人工环境的思想。文艺复兴 运动将欧洲的园林艺术带入了一个新的发展时期,反映自然美和人工美并不悖的观点。法国的古典园 林使欧洲的规则式园林艺术达到一个不可逾越的高峰,反映人力能够改变自然,人工美高于自然美的 哲学思想。18世纪英国自然风景园的出现,反映人工美应服从于自然美,造园应与自然相协调的观 念。
The garden before the Middle age is the formal garden style ,which is the reflection of the idea that the artificial environment can be beautified; The Renaissance leads the garden art of the Europe to new period, which is the reflection of the idea that there is no contradiction between natural beauty and artificial beauty; The classical garden of the French leads the formal garden style to the top, which is the reflection of the idea that the nature can be changed by the human; The birth of English natural style landscape is the reflection of the idea that the nature can be followed by the artificial and the design should be harmonious with the nature.
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin