

Study on Properties of PMSZT Piezoelectric Ceramics
摘要 以固态氧化物为原料,采用二次合成工艺制备PMS-PZT三元系压电陶瓷。研究组成为Pb1.04(Mn1/3Sb2/3)0.05ZrxTi0.95-xO3的压电陶瓷的相组成、显微结构、电性能以及温度稳定性。结果表明:合成温度900℃保温2h,可以得到钙钛矿结构。烧结温度1240℃保温2h时,综合性能达最佳值:3εT3/0ε=1420,d33=324pC/N,Kp=62%,Qm=2400,tanδ=0.0029。烧成温度影响谐振频率的变化率。提高烧成温度可以使正温范围的变化率提高,负温范围的变化率降低。 Pb1.04 (Mn1/3Sb2/3)0.05 ZGTi0.95-x ternary piezoelectric ceramics were prepared by using twostage technique with solid oxides as raw materials. The crystallographic phase, microstructure, electric-properties and temperature stability of the system were studied. The results showed that pure perovskitic structure was obtained at calcination of 900℃ for 2h. Measurements on polarized products indicated that material with excellent performance were developed, and the optimized resuits of ε33^T /εo (1420), d33 (324pC/N), Kp (62%), Qm (2400) ,tanδ (0. 0029) were obtained at sintering of 1240℃ temperatures for 2h. Sintering temperature has an effect on the changes of resonant frequency, which increase in the range of positive temperature, but decrease in the range of negative temperature with sintering temperature increasing.
出处 《材料工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第12期48-52,共5页 Journal of Materials Engineering
基金 国家自然基金委重点基金资助项目(10232030)
关键词 三元系压电陶瓷 相组成 显微结构 电性能 温度稳定性 ternary piezoelectric ceramic crystallographic phase microstructure electric-property temperature stability
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