
SD大鼠2型糖尿病模型的建立 被引量:62

Establishment of a Type 2 Diabetes Rat Model
摘要 目的建立SD大鼠2型糖尿病模型。方法选SD大鼠,先喂以高脂高果糖饲料4周,导致胰岛素抵抗,继以小剂量链脲佐菌素(STZ)(30 mg/kg)腹腔注射1次,2周后诱导建立2型糖尿病模型。结果高糖高脂饮食后4周,大鼠出现胰岛素抵抗和高脂血症。注射STZ后,大鼠血糖,血胰岛素升高,胰岛素敏感性下降。结论本实验为糖尿病的实验研究提供了一种理想的动物模型。 Objective To set up a type 2 diabetes mellitus SD rat model, Methods SD rats were fed on a diet enriched in fat and fructose for 4 weeks to induce insulin resistance. The rats were injected intrapertonea[ly with a low-dose streptozoein (STZ) once (30 mg/kg) to induce hyperglycemia after 2 weeks, Resnlts Insulin sensitivity index was decreased significantly in control group and hypertension was seen after rats were fed on a diet enriched in fat and fructose. There were hyperglycemia, fast blood insulin increased and lower insulin sensitivity in rat models after STZ injection. Conclusion The experiment test provided an ideal type 2 diabetes mellitus SD rats model.
出处 《中国比较医学杂志》 CAS 2005年第6期379-381,共3页 Chinese Journal of Comparative Medicine
基金 安徽省教育厅自然科学基金资助(2003kj244)
关键词 糖尿病 非胰岛素依赖型 链脲佐菌素 果糖 大鼠 Diabetes mellitus Non-insulin-dependent Streptozocin Fructose Rats
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