
地理标识的延伸保护探析 被引量:5

Probe on the Protection of Geography Trade Mark's Extension Rights
摘要 地理标识是具有系列不同保护概念的一种知识产权。与WIPO管理下的有关协定相比,WTO/TRIPs协定对地理标识的保护具有一定的历史进步性,但仍存在一定的缺陷。除葡萄酒和烈酒外,其他产品的地理标识容易被误用。延伸保护是WTO多哈回合重要议题之一,"新""旧"两个世界围绕这个问题在继续争论。延伸保护将鼓励更高质量的产品走向世界市场,这不仅有益于各国合法的生产者和制造者,且有益于消费者。 Geographical indications (GIs) are intellectual property rights which have series of different concepts. Comparing other Agreements under the WIPO, the TRIPs Agreement represents a considerable improvement in the international protection of GIs, yet it has some defects. Except for wines and Spirits, it is all too easy to misuse GIs. The extension is an important issue in the Doha Round and continues to be debated between “old world” and “new world”. The extension shall encourage more quality products to be put on the world's market. This is not only in the interests of legitimate producers and manufacturers in all countries, but in consumers' interests.
作者 赵小平
机构地区 山西大学法学院
出处 《法学家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第6期97-103,共7页 The Jurist
关键词 地理标识 额外保护 延伸 TRIPS协定 geographical indications the additional protection extension TRIPs Agreement
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