
台盼蓝囊膜染色剂在白内障连续环形撕囊手术中的应用 被引量:4

Trypan blue capsule staining for continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis in cataract surgery
摘要 目的研究台盼蓝囊膜染色剂在治疗白色白内障中,是否有助于连续环形撕囊的顺利完成及白内障手术的顺利进行。方法79例(80眼),随机分为2组,染色组40例(41眼),对照组39例(39眼),染色组使用台盼蓝囊膜染色剂,术中观察及对比前囊膜染色情况、连续环性撕囊成功率、晶状体后囊破裂及人工晶状体囊袋内植入情况,术后视力、前房炎症反应、角膜、人工晶状体有无蓝染及后囊混浊情况。并与对照组进行统计学分析。结果染色组的术中染色均匀,连续环形撕囊及人工晶状体囊袋内植入率为97.7%,晶状体后囊破裂率为2.44%,与对照组进行统计学分析有显著差异。术后追踪观察3个月,染色组术后视力好于对照组,前房炎症反应、晶状体后囊混浊2组无统计学差异。染色组术后角膜、人工晶状体未见蓝染,未见术中及术后并发症。结论台盼蓝囊膜染色剂目前是一种安全可靠的技术,手术中可以看清前囊,使连续环形撕囊顺利进行,人工晶状体稳定的位于囊袋内,增加了白色白内障手术的成功率。 Objective To determine whether trypan blue staining is helpful to the continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis(CCC) in white cataract surgery. Methods Seventy nine patients (80 eyes) were randomly divided into staining group (40 patients 41 eyes) and control group (39 patients 39 eyes). Trypan blue was used in staining group in cataract surgery. The staining effects, the success rate of CCC, the posterior capsule rupture and the state of the intraocular lens (IOL) were studied during the operation;and the visual acuity, inflammation in anterior chamber, staining of cornea or IOL and posterior capsule opacification after operation were also observed. The significant statistics was conducted between the two groups. Results Trypan blue was well distributed in 41 eyes in staining group. The success rate of CCC and IOL in capsule bag was 97.7%, and the rate of posterior capsule rupture was 2.44%. There was significant statistical difference between staining group and control group. Three months after the operatior, s, the visual acuity of staining group patients were better than that of control group, while no significant statistical difference about inflammation in anterior chamber, posterior capsule opacification was found between two groups. There was no complications during and after operations. Conclusion Trypan blue staining of the anterior capsule appears to be a safe technique to facilitate the CCC,put IOL into capsule bag and raise the success rate of whole white cataract surgery.
出处 《眼科新进展》 CAS 2006年第1期54-56,共3页 Recent Advances in Ophthalmology
关键词 白内障手术 撕囊 囊膜染色剂 台盼蓝 cataract surgery capsulorhexis dye staining trypan blue
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