
北欧绿党与欧洲一体化:以瑞典和芬兰为例 被引量:2

Nordic Greens and European Integration: Cases of Sweden and Finland
摘要 无论从议会政治实力还是选举支持稳定性方面来看,瑞典和芬兰绿党都是北欧地区最具代表性的绿党。但是,对其欧洲一体化立场的形成过程及其主要内容的分析表明,它们之间并不存在一种内在一致的、欧洲一体化政策上的“欧洲怀疑主义”,而是在明显地走向两个不同的方向。北欧绿党欧洲一体化政策异质化发展的成因可以归结为两个方面:一是绿党生态主义的“绿色欧洲观”在从理想主义向现实主义转化过程中几乎必然发生的战略选择分化,在很大程度上就像它的生态主义政治意识形态在国内政治舞台上所正在发生的过程一样。二是北欧国家自20世纪70年代中期起开始到90年代中期基本结束的民族国家利益重新界定与建构过程的客观结果,使得这一在自然地理和政治传统上曾经相对均质的区域国家间有了更多的异质性因素。 This paper aims to examine Nordic Greens' positions in the process of European integration and their influences by a comparative case study of Swedish and Finnish green parties. It reasons, there is no evidence to support the claim that there is a coherent stand of Euro-skepticism among Greens, to the contrary, they are moving towards two different directions. It is the dual consideration of Green ideology, along with the ecological political dimension and reconstructed national interests cutting through the EU's east-west geography and centre-periphery political dimensions, co-determines the divergent tendencies of Nordic Greens' ideas on European integration.
作者 郇庆治
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第6期67-80,共14页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
基金 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金的资助
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  • 2Eimon Bomberg, Green Parties and Politics in the European Union, London: Routledge,1998, "chapter 3".
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  • 5Miljopartiet de Grona, Sweden: Miljopartiet de Griona, Stockholm, April 2002.
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  • 1Jukka Paastela, "Finland", op. cit., p. 23.002.
  • 2Bundinis 90/die Grunen, The Future is Green: Party Programme and Policy, Berlin, March 2002.
  • 3Wirrfried Nachtwei, "In a Changing World, a Changing Peace Party", in Policy Positionsof Biindinis 90/die Grunen to the 3^rd Congress of the EFGP, Berlin, May 17 -19, 2002.
  • 4The EFGP, Resolutions of the 3^rd Congress of the EFGP, Berlin, May 17 - 19, 2002.
  • 5The EFGP, Update, April 2002.
  • 6Peter Finn, "Germany's Greens Losing Support : Power-sharing Has Brought Moderation",Washington Post, February 19, 2002.
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  • 9The EFGP, Update, Brussels, February and June 2002.
  • 10Thomas Poguntke, "From Nuclear Building Sites to Cabinet: The Career of the German Green Party", Keele European Parties Research Unit Working Papers, 2001.












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