
Labeling algorithm and its fairness analysis for autonomous system

Labeling algorithm and its fairness analysis for autonomous system
摘要 A kind of packet labeling algorithm for autonomous system is introduced. The fairness of the algorithm for each traffic stream in the integratedservices is analyzed. It is shown that the rate of each stream in the integratedservices would converge to a stable value if the transmitting or forwarding rates converge to that of the receiving exponentially. A kind of packet labeling algorithm for autonomous system is introduced. The fairness of the algorithm for each traffic stream in the integrated-services is analyzed. It is shown that the rate of each stream in the integrated-services would converge to a stable value if the transmittfing or forwarding rates converge to that of the receiving exponentially.
出处 《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》 SCIE EI CSCD 2005年第4期806-810,共5页 系统工程与电子技术(英文版)
基金 ThisprojectwassupportedbytheNational"863"HighTechnologyResearchandDevelopmentProgramofChina(86331701010199).
关键词 自治系统 标签算法 流量控制 信息包 服务质量 autonomous system, labeling algorithm, traffic stream, fairness analysis.
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