
现代性逻辑预设何以生成 被引量:44

Formation of the Logic Presupposition about Modernity
摘要 The logic presupposition about modernity is the fundamental narrative of modernity. It defines the most typical characteristics of the key values of modernity, and connects discourses with the specific features of modernity in philosophy and various integrated fields of study. Its formation and development constitute a long historical process. People can get to know modernity at different level of consciousness, such as intuition, senses or feelings, etc. However, only the reflection on modernity by thinking and categorization can give expression to an ever growing sense of historical relativism. Therefore, logic presupposition about modernity is also the theme for philosophical reflection on homogenization of meanings. By the restoration of historical time and space, logic presupposition orders and classifies a variety of specific modes of human practice according to the abstract categories of philosophy. It captures the dialectic essence of historical formation and the development of modernity, and in the meantime provides the exposure of the actual status and the limitations of the evolution of human existence deeply. The logic presupposition about modernity is the fundamental narrative of modernity. It defines the most typical characteristics of the key values of modernity, and connects discourses with the specific features of modernity in philosophy and various integrated fields of study. Its formation and development constitute a long historical process. People can get to know modernity at different level of consciousness, such as intuition, senses or feelings, etc. However, only the reflection on modernity by thinking and categorization can give expression to an ever growing sense of historical relativism. Therefore, logic presupposition about modernity is also the theme for philosophical reflection on homogenization of meanings. By the restoration of historical time and space, logic presupposition orders and classifies a variety of specific modes of human practice according to the abstract categories of philosophy. It captures the dialectic essence of historical formation and the development of modernity, and in the meantime provides the exposure of the actual status and the limitations of the evolution of human existence deeply.
作者 张雄
出处 《哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第1期26-36,共11页 Philosophical Research
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