目的探讨肺炎性假瘤的临床特点、诊断及外科治疗。方法对31例肺炎性瘤的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果全组均无术后并发症和死亡,术前4例诊断正确,15例误诊为肺癌,12例误诊为良性肿瘤。行肺叶切除术13例,肺楔形切除 14例,肿瘤摘除4例。结论术前诊断困难。治疗以手术切除为主,术中冰冻病理切片检查对决定术式有帮助。
Objective To review the experiences of diagnosis and surgical management of pulmonary inflammatory pseutumors (PIP). Methods To analyze the clinical materical of 31 patients with SIP. Results All patients received surgery including lobectomy in 13 cases, wedge risection 14 thoraeotomy and biopsy 4. There was no psostoperative morbidity and mortality. Correct diagnosis was only made in 4 patients. 15 cases were mindiagnc,sis as lung cancer and 12 patients were suspected benign lung tumor. Conclusion Pre- operative diagnosis of pulmonary inflammatory pseudotumor is quite difficult. Surgery should be performel as soon as diagnosis be made. Frozem biopsy during the operation is helpful for determing the modality of operation.
Journal of Heze Medical College
Pulmonary inflammatory psedumor/diagnosis
Inflammatory Pseudotumor of Lung/surgical management