目的研究自医院污水中分离的宽噬噬菌体,治疗小鼠产超广谱β-内酰胺酶(ESBLs)大肠埃希菌感染的疗效。方法从医院污水中分离筛选出宽噬噬菌体,建立小鼠全身感染模型,观察宽噬噬菌体治疗小鼠的细菌感染的疗效。结果细菌感染的小鼠立即腹腔注射纯化的Φ9882(MOI≥10-4,multiple of infection,感染复数),小鼠生存率为100%;Φ9882(MOI,200)延迟1 h治疗感染的小鼠仍有60%的生存率;热失活Φ9882治疗感染的小鼠生存率为0。结论通过噬菌体治疗剂量、延迟治疗、热失活、体内分布和免疫反应方面的研究,宽噬噬菌体Φ9882能有效地治疗小鼠产ESBLs大肠埃希菌感染,无不良副作用,从而为进一步应用噬菌体进行临床抗感染治疗奠定基础。
OBJECTIVE To study the treatment efficacy of phage with broad host range isolated from hospital sewage against infection caused by extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs)-producing Escherichia coli in mice. METHODS To isolate the specific phages against ESBL-producing E. coli from hospital sewage and then to select the phage with broad host range in vitro. The broad host range phage was used to rescue mice from bacteremia caused by clinical isolations of ESBL-producing E. coli. RESULTS Purified phage Ф9882 could rescue 100 % of the bacteremic mice at the multiple of infection (MOD≥10^-4. About 60 M of mice survived even when the treatment was delayed for lh by using Ф9882 (MOI, 200). Treatment of bacteremic mice with the heat-inactivated phage resulted in a 0% survival rate. CONCLUSIONS Our study provides the experimental evidence that the broad host range phage Ф9882 shows significant treatment efficacy against experimental ESBLs-producing E. coli infection in mice without any adverse effects, thereby implying clinical applicability of phage to control clinical ESBLs- producing E. coil-induced infection diseases.
Chinese Journal of Nosocomiology