Protel Advanced SIM 99是一个功能强大的数/模混合信号电路仿真器,能够提供连续的模拟信号和离散的数字信号仿真。在多媒体教室,教师在计算机上用Protel Advanced SIM 99对所讲部分电路进行仿真,可以演示课堂上和实验室无法做到的实验,加深学生印象,化解学习中的难点,很好地体现理论和实际相结合的教学原则。论述了Protel 99这种软件的优点,详细地讲述他的使用方法,从具体的模拟电路实验演示中说明Protel 99是完全能够胜任电子技术教学的。
Protel Advanced SIM 99 is a powerful simulator, which can provide the simulation of both continuous analogue signals and discrete digital signals. In a multi -media classroom, by using Protel Advanced SIM 99 to simulate what is lectured, a teacher can demonstrate experiments that he or she is unable to do in a classroom or in a lab. This article introduces some advantages of Protel 99 for solving the problem and introduces clearly how to use Protel 99. At last,by showing an experiment of analogue circuit to prove that Protel 99 is fit for teaching of electronics technique
Modern Electronics Technique