喻四有两种来源:和定母谐声的为“阳母”,和见组谐声的为“丰母”。定母分成两类,和端知母谐声的为定母1,和以母谐声的为定母2。羊母上古音为*6g-,阳母和定母2上古音为*6d-。还有一些既和定母相谐、也和见组相谐的“双重关系”以母字,反映了“谐声时代”之前的“早期时代”的语音 gd-的存在。邪母和以母谐声关系密切,同阳母谐声的为邪母1,其上古音为*sd-;同羊母谐声的称之为邪母2,其上古音为*sg-。对这些声母从上古到东汉的演变的认识,得到从《释名》声驯、梵汉对音、亲属语言比较等方面的支持。
Middle Chinese initial Yu4 has two origins: one having the same phonetic series with the initial Ding is called "Yang(阳) initial", the other one having the same phonetic series with the initial group ,lian is called "Yang(羊) initial". Ding initial could be divided into two groups: one having the same phonetic series with the initials Duan and Zhi is called Dingl, the other one having the same phonetic series with the initial Yi is called Ding2. Yang(羊) initial is reconstructed as *fig-, and Yang(阳) and Ding2 initials are reconstructed as *fid- in Old Chinese. Some Yi initial characters having the same phonetic series both with Ding initial and Jian initial group, that called "double relationship", reflect the existence of the sound gd- in the "forepart age" before the "phonetic age". Xie initial and Yi initial are closely related in phonetic aspect. The Xie initial which has the same phonetic series with Yang(阳) initial is called Xiel and is reconstructed as *sd- in the Old Chinese: while the Xie initial which is in the same phonetic series with Yang(羊) initial is called Xie2 and is reconstructed as *sg- in the Old Chinese, The understanding about these initials" evolvement from the Old Chinese to the Eastern Han Chinese is supported by the data of the Paranomastic Glosses in the book Shi Ming. the Buddhist-chinese Transcriptions and the family languages comparison.
Journal of Wenzhou Teachers College(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)
Yu Initial: Xie initial
Paranomastic Glosses', Buddhist-chinese Transcriptions