《国际商事合同通则》产生至今已有十年,但是对于其研究远不如C ISG等课题受到学者的诸多关注,而且对于《通则》的性质和功能目前也没有准确、合理的定位。笔者从《通则》产生的必然性谈起,对于《通则》的性质提出了自己的质疑和观点,并对于《通则》的功能进行了系统的分析。
The Principle of International Commercial Contract has come into being for more than ten years, but the attention to it was much less than to CISG, and in addition, there is no correct definition about the nature and function of PICC. The thesis starts with the origin of the PICC, putting forward its own views, and analyses the function of PICC.
Journal of Huaibei Vocational and Technical College